The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the financial condition of hospital and pharmaceutical sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange before and during COVID-19 using the Springate and Zmijewski models. This study uses agency theory and signaling theory where complete, relevant, accurate and timely information is needed by investors in the capital market as an analytical tool for making investment decisions. The type of research used is comparative descriptive research. This comparative study aims to compare the financial performance of the hospital and pharmaceutical sectors before and during COVID-19. The sampling method in this research is purposive sampling method with the number of observers 21 companies. The source of data in this study was obtained from the IDX website, namely Analysis of the data using the Springate and Zmijewski method to determine the financial condition then perform individual and comparative analysis. According to the Springate model, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, all of the companies studied had healthy financial performance. However, during the civid period there were 7 (seven) companies that experienced unhealthy financial performance. While the Zmijewski model of pharmaceutical companies and hospitals before the Covid-19 outbreak, all of the companies studied had healthy financial performance. However, during the civid period there were 2 (two) companies that experienced unheharmaceuticalalthy financial performance. Both models have the same rating on 1 company during the covid 19 period.
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